Welcome to the Syracuse Microd Club website. Here you will find all the information you need about the Syracuse Microd Club. The menu at the top of the page will take you to the information you are looking for. New to Microd racing? Checkout our “What is Microd racing” section for an in depth look at Microds. Check this site often as we will add new content regularly.

Super DIRT Week 2024

2024 Syracuse Microd Club Officers

President: Mark Kapuscinski

VP of Marketing and Promotions: Steve Quonce

Treasurer: Tracy Stuart

Secretary: Mary Quonce

2024 Syracuse Microd Club Board of Directors

Carl Crawford

Jeanne Ferguson

Corey Freeburn

Mark Kapuscinski

Steve Quonce

Tom Wilcox

Mel Colvin – Alternate

Stephen Marshall – Alternate

Are you interested in getting your child into microd racing? Are you looking for more information about what a microd is and how to go about getting involved with our club? Check out our “What is microd racing?” section by clicking here or in the page header.